asthma sufferers can breathe easier

Asthma Sufferers Breathe a Sigh of Relief

There’s probably nothing more terrifying than struggling to draw a breath.  Yet that is what millions of asthma sufferers experience during an asthma attack.  Chronic inflammation of the bronchial tubes in the lungs causes swelling and narrowing in a person’s airways and extra mucus production.  Consequently, air cannot get in or out adequately, which causes…

summer nutrition tips

Summer Nutrition Tips

Do you ever think about your summer nutrition?  If you’re like most of us, probably not.  We aren’t as likely to get colds, our schedules aren’t as regimented, and we have different activities with which to amuse ourselves.  Here are a few tips that will help you stay healthy during the summer months.  We all…

link between inflammation and immune health

The Link Between Inflammation and Immune Health

When inflammation becomes “runaway,” we see chronic inflammatory conditions occur like asthma, allergies, chronic ear infections and sinusitis. When low-level inflammation goes on for years, chronic degenerative diseases can develop. We generally equate a healthy immune system with “not getting sick,” but did you know that your immune system controls your body’s defenses against both…

salt therapy benefits eczema

Healing Eczema: Beyond Skin Deep

According to the National Eczema Association, over 30 million Americans are afflicted with eczema, or atopic dermatitis. It is an allergic inflammation of the skin, often beginning in infancy and appearing after a baby stops breastfeeding. The affected skin has raised, red eruptions that form scaling crusts with itching as a principle symptom. Eczema has…

spring cleaning your health with meditation

Spring Cleaning for Your Health

Have you ever thought of spring cleaning for your health?  We pay a lot of attention to our house and surroundings.  Spring is an appropriate time (and a gentle reminder) to clean up the “house” we carry around—our bodily temple!  In the spring, we’re a couple months removed from New Year’s resolutions and perhaps have…

salt therapy at the salt room longwood

Can the Salt Room Help?

Our salt room has been open and helping patients since January of 2018. We thought we’d take the time to answer a few of the most common questions about it. What does a salt room do? A salt room is a special spa-like room with salt-coated walls and floor. It is also called a halochamber…