Because of its significant role, the immune system is the first logical area of focus for disease prevention. Strengthening the immune system is one of the most important ways to ensure the health of the whole body.
A Simplified Immune System Lesson
The immune system works with two functional units: T cells and B cells. The T cells are involved in the immunity brought about by the cells of the body. They are the “infantry” that combat foreign substances with an immediate response and they defend against bacteria and viruses.
The B cells are involved in the long-term immunity brought about by macromolecules found in fluids outside the cells, such as antibodies. B cells are the “air force.” They form antibodies that “seek and destroy” foreign bodies. They are also responsible for providing tolerance for things we are exposed to for most of our lives. These antibodies neutralize toxins. They are also responsible for the formation of allergic disorders.
Immune system function is altered by chronic infections, exposure to drugs, chemicals and toxic minerals, stress hormones, activity patterns, exercise, obesity, radiation exposure, and most importantly, diet and nutrients, or the lack thereof.
Strengthening Immune System Function
There’s no question that exercise, stress management and nutritional status play important roles in maintaining a healthy immune system. Poor nutrition causes a decline in immune function and increases susceptibility to infection.
Specific nutrients play important roles in supporting immune system strength and balance. A deficiency of any of these nutrients can adversely influence the function of protective T cells and B cells: zinc, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin A, B vitamins (especially folic acid), iron, copper, amino acids L-lysine and L-arginine, vitamin C and vitamin E.
It’s Not “All in Your Head!”
Psychological health influences the immune system and the course of many diseases. Stress-induced depression and anxiety increase production of pro-inflammatory chemicals in the blood, which can compromise or suppress the immune system. High levels of anxiety are associated with decreased immune function. It is known that school or work pressures combined with a less-than-nutritious diet can wreak havoc on immune system health.
Salt Therapy for Enhanced Immune Health
Salt therapy is performed in a special spa-like room with salt-coated walls and floor, called a halochamber. Pharmaceutical-grade salt is pulverized into microscopic particles and pushed into the room by a halogenerator. Salt treatment involves lounging in this cozy room and passively breathing in the particles while listening to soothing music, reading or just relaxing in a zero-gravity chair.
The salt particles enter the lungs through the nasal passages, accelerating mucus clearance and improving lung function while killing harmful bacteria and soothing the respiratory system. This 100% drug-free treatment is effective and has no side-effects. It may also increase the effectiveness of conventional treatment by cleansing the airways and decreasing inflammation, which helps medications work more effectively and reduces the need for them. Salt therapy is completely safe for everyone—from babies to geriatric patients—and helps prevent ear and sinus infections.
Salt therapy also has a relaxing effect on the nervous system and promotes an overall feeling of wellbeing, which may explain how it helps decrease the inflammatory response of the body and the flare-ups of respiratory and skin conditions.
Is salt therapy safe? Yes! HEPA air filters in the room capture and remove up to 99.97% of airborne particles, including viral particles, while activated carbon filters remove volatile organic compounds. A UV light kills 98.8% of bacteria and viruses on surfaces.