Back-to-school season signals the need to pay attention to immune health again! We hope you had an amazing summer and were able to spend some good quality time as a family. As the kids head back to school, we know exposure to germs increases. Protect your immune system with tried-and-true solutions.
Nutrition: First Line Immune Defense
Vitamin C: Antioxidants like Vitamin C protect your cells from oxidative stress and free radicals. Take a supplement or eat Vitamin C-rich foods such as citrus, tomatoes, dark leafy greens, sweet potatoes, bell peppers and fresh herbs.
Vitamin D3: Study after study has reported that Americans are deficient in Vitamin D3, especially at the optimal levels that fend off disease. Food sources of D3 are fatty fish such as tuna, mackerel and salmon. Generally, taking 5,000 IUs of D3 daily will help increase your level, but check with your doctor. Adding Vitamin K2 helps your body absorb and utilize Vitamin D correctly. Food sources of Vitamin K2 include hard and soft cheeses, egg yolks and dark leafy greens.
Feed Your Body Well: If you want an extra boost of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, essential fatty acids and probiotics, try these immune-strengthening foods:
- Green tea (packed with antioxidants)
- Berries
- Citrus
- Broccoli
- Red bell peppers
- Greek yogurt
- Garlic
- Ginger
- Shrimp (packed with zinc)
- Salmon (a source of omega 3)
- Asparagus
- Micro greens (sprouts)
Keep Sugar and Alcohol to a Minimum: Sugar sabotages a strong immune system; it paralyzes your infection-fighting white cells for 24 hours after being ingested! If you do overindulge in sweets or alcohol, be sure to take extra Vitamin B Complex and Magnesium; your body uses up these nutrients when metabolizing both sugar and alcohol. A good probiotic supplement will replenish the “friendly” bacteria in your gut and boost your immune function.
Lifestyle Hacks for Immune Health
Do Sleep, Don’t Stress: When people eat a healthy diet, exercise regularly, get exposure to sunlight, sleep an adequate amount and proactively manage stresses in their lives, they are less likely to fall ill.
Chase Germs Out of the House: You don’t need harsh cleaners to de-germ your house! Using natural essential oils kills germs in your home without fumigating the humans who live there. You can find many natural cleaner recipes online.
Get Salt Therapy at the First Sign of Cold of Flu
Salt therapy takes place in a spa-like room with salt-covered walls and floor. A session consists of sitting in a lounge chair and breathing deeply while pharmaceutical-grade salt is pulverized into microscopic particles and pushed into the room.
The salt particles enter the lungs through the nasal passages, accelerating mucus clearance, reducing nasal and chest congestion, killing harmful bacteria and soothing the respiratory system. Salt therapy also has a relaxing effect on the nervous system.
The Salt Room Longwood serves all age groups in the Central Florida area with a safe, drug-free therapy proven to be effective for relieving symptoms of many chronic sinus, lung and skin conditions such as allergies, sinus infections, asthma and eczema. Salt therapy is safe! HEPA/carbon filters and UV light kill 99% of all airborne and surface bacteria and viruses.